Twice a week, Gary Fleisher, Editor-in-Chief of Offsite Builder magazine, asks readers of a question relating to the offsite and modular construction industry.
While there is general agreement on some questions, others seem to divide us.
Here are the results of some recent polls answered.
How important is Zero Carbon Emissions to your customers?
Very Important – 0%
If they can have it at a reasonable cost, they want it – 11.8%
If it costs them anything, they won’t want it – 35.3%
They have no idea what it is or why it’s important – 52.9%
Which is the biggest housing fad?
Tiny Houses – 26.1%
Hemp Construction – 13%
Cross Mod – 4.3%
Foldable – 4.3%
All of the Above – 37%
None of the Above – 15.2%
What is the biggest concern for the offsite construction industry for this summer?
Material Shortage – 28.9%
Labor Shortage – 21.1%
Contracts Being Cancelled – 15.8%
Rising Interest Rates – 13.2%
Inflation – 7.9%
Non-Completion or Time-Deadline Clauses – 7.9%
Increased Codes and Regulations – 5.3%